What Acupuncture Treats
Acupuncture is most commonly known for treating pain, however acupuncture can be used to treat many other conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to infertility, autoimmune disorders, Bell's Palsy, depression, menstrual cycle disorders, hormonal imbalances and many others. Give us a call to see if your condition is something we can help with! .
The World Health Organization (WHO) list over 100 disorders that can be helped with acupuncture. Click on the link below to view the list of indications.
For more information please contact us at (657) 900-2211.
Safe, Effecitve, & Natural Healing.
Herbal Medicine
We use the highest quality Chinese Herbal Medicine to safely treat any health conditions you may have.
Massage Therapy
Relieve stress, muscle pain, and optimize your well-being!
Mind-Body Healing
We offer Craniosacral Therapy, Cupping, Therapeutic Acupressure to heal your mind, body, and spirit.